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English II

Pre-Requisites: English I
Credits: 1.0
Estimated Completion Time: 32-36 weeks


Students will discover how the human experience is the foundation of the best stories, plays, poems, films, speeches, and articles by evaluating its presence across genres and throughout history. With a strong focus on the art of writing and speaking, students will engage with a number of rich texts to uncover how authors and speakers use their words to reflect their thoughts on the world. Through writing about literature and research-based topics, students will further develop their voices to create compositions of excellence.

Major Topics and Concepts

Segment One

Module 01 – Fundamentals of Fiction

·       All About Words

·       Expressive Poetry

·       Pondering Poems’ Meanings

·       Figuring Out Fiction

·       Techniques in Storytelling

·       Honors What Do You Mean?

Module 02 – Coming of Age

·       Universal Truths

·       Conflicting Perspectives

·       Growing Up Around the World

·       Perfecting Parallel Structure

·       Presenting the Journey

·       Honors Universally Connected

Module 03 – Writing with Purpose

·       Nonfiction Knowledge

·       Use It Correctly

·       Breaking Down the Prompt

·       Research and Citations

·       Show Your Evidence

·       Let’s Write!

·       Honors Writing with Reason

Segment Two

Module 04 – Strong Argumentation

·       Rhetorical Muscle

·       Powerful Oration

·       Argument Shutdown

·       Staking Your Claim

·       Crafting a Winning Argument

·       From Page to Podium

·       Honors Fight for Their Rights

Module 05 – Timeless Tales

·       Fiction Review

·       Copy and Paste

·       Changes in Language

·       Shakespeare’s Macbeth

·       Character Disintegration

·       Plotting It Out

·       Honors I’ve Got the Power

Module 06 – Storytime

·       Getting Started with Narratives

·       Plan Your Plot

·       Writing Tips

·       Final Draft

·       Honors Love of Things

Grading Policy

To achieve success, students are expected to submit work in each course weekly. Students can learn at their own pace; however, “any pace” still means that students must make progress in the course every week. To measure learning, students complete self-checks, practice lessons, multiple-choice quizzes, essays, multimedia projects, and discussion-based assessments. Students are expected to maintain regular contact with teachers. When teachers, students, and parents work together, students are successful.

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